Working with groundbreaking technology sometimes means taking baby steps.
MY Role
Designer + Researcher
I spent my first year at IBM working as the sole designer and researcher for Watson Customer Engagement's AI Incubator. The team's focus was to develop groundbreaking technology and use it to solve problems across three industries: Marketing, Commerce, and Supply Chain.
During my time with the incubator, we worked on a series of three projects, one which has been successfully shipped and two others which are still in-progress (and therefore not available for public review).
Watson Assistant for Marketing
Released in beta - mar 2017
The assistant was in development as a natural-language technology for 8 months prior to my joining the team.
Once I joined, there was a concentrated focus on productizing it. This led to many continuous studies, four of which I will highlight for you to explore.
1. Validating our
vision for MVP
Methods utilized:
User interviews, concept testing, survey
Assessing early vision - and - would our users trust it?
flexibility for beta
METHODS Utilized:
Usage data
Incremental improvements for early beta users
3. Integrating our help experience
Methods utilized:
concept testing, usability testinG, Card sorting
Building out the assistant as a channel for providing help content to users across our portfolio